High School

One of my precious memories. High School is not just about studying and coming to school. It's  about creating a best moment ever with your friends. It's your teenage and I think you got to regret if you missed it. Honestly, I hate school holiday because I really love to come to school. Everyday, I never want to missed a moment with my great friends ever. As you can see, above are the picture of all my classmates. Our class name is Bestari with our tagline 'We are nonsense + non-stop". Indeed, we are always nonsense. We study, laugh and grow together. I don't know you but my classmates are all supporting and "clever" as well. Teachers love us. hahaha, Actually, we also talk behind our teachers especially if we didn't like the way their teaching. Let me introduce you to my classmates. Upper line, from left are Jai, Nardal, Wan, Reza, Arepeace, Zaidin, Moreask, Rads and Hend. Middle line from right are Lisa, Ema, Mieylank, Chel, Dyanne, Lana, Zie, Rieyrie (me), Anna, Wana and Patma. Last line from left are Mira, Sarah, Vyan, Our room teachers, Andy, Din and Armin. 

I am not going to tell a story about us but I would like to tell our junior outside there that never regret going to school. Believe me when you're growing older, you got to miss this moment again. Same goes like me. If I could turned back the time,I would want to go to my high school moment again because this is where you will learn about growing. This is where you know what you want to be, what you need to be and which way you should go. You got to miss your white blue uniform school. So, since you still can experience it. Do well and enjoy your youth. 


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